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There is a global sense of what is coming on planet Earth; that’s why I needed to share with you the 10 Essentials Every Believer Needs to be an Overcomer in the Days Ahead.
The book of Revelation doesn’t simply reveal all of the horrible things that will come on planet Earth; it’s a revelation of Jesus himself and his victorious return to deliver God’s people from the wickedness of Man.
Many End Times teachings lead to un-scriptural, bizarre and ever frightening interpretations of End Time prophecies. They often leave believers overwhelmed with information and no workable solutions to live as an Overcomer.
These fear based End Times teachings ignore the covenant God made with his children, and tend to leave believers with little or no hope. After all, End Time prophecy’s primary revelation should be the triumphant return of our Savior over all the power of the enemy, and establishing His Kingdom here on Earth.
Whatever you’ve been taught about Jesus’ return, never, never put your hope for safety in a doctrine rather than in the power and the person the Lord Jesus. Should you put your hope in any End Times religious theory and it fails to come to pass as you expect, you will be left in dismay, unprepared to follow the voice of the Holy Spirit as He attempts to lead all believers into the steps that we should take to live as Overcomers. If we can hear, and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit, it really doesn’t matter which End Times doctrine is correct, because we will follow Him to safety as He leads us.
Jesus taught us exactly what we need to do to prepare for the dark days that lie ahead. His instructions are applicable in all tribulation; whether it’s the persecution the we face for being believers, or the tribulation that came upon the early church, or the Great Tribulation before the End.
The main thing missing in much of the End Times teachings, is simply this; “What did Jesus say I need to do to be an Overcomer in the face of tribulation?” It seems that the teachings of Jesus have been replaced with the endless sensationalism and the vain attempts to interpret scripture based on current events.
Apocalypse: a Spiritual Guide for the Second Coming was written to provide a more biblical view of the world, how we got here, what we can anticipate in the future and how we can live as Overcomers.
Are you and your family prepared for the Last Days?
What is is the biblical truth about Jesus’ Second Coming?
- What did Jesus say about preparing for the End Times?
- How did the world actually reached the point of darkness it is in today?
- How can I guarantee against falling into End Times deception?
- How can I focus on the solutions to End Times calamities?
- How do I reach the world in the midst of tribulation?
- How can I be completely free of fear?
- Do I understand the greatest lie overshadowing nearly all End Times teaching?
Click below to purchase Dr. Jim Richards’ book, Apocalypse: A Spiritual Guide to the Second Coming
P.S. We’ll also send you a link to Dr. Jim Richards’ 4 part video series when you purchase Apocalypse: A Spiritual Survival Guide to the Second Coming.
Dr. Jim Richards is a bestselling author of 25 books, and nearly four decades of ministry experience. He is the founder of Impact Ministries and the Impact School of Ministry and hold doctorate degrees in theology, human behavior, and alternative medicine.
His uncompromising and positive approach to the Gospel strengthens, instructs and challenges people to new levels of victory, power and service. Jim’s extensive experience in working with substance abuse, codependency, and other social/emotional issues has led him to pioneer effective, creative, bible-based approaches to ministry that meet the needs of today’s world.